5 Ways to Get a Side Job During Your Job Search

Although your job search goal is to find a new career or fulfilling job, during your job search, you may still wish to have some form of employment to help pay your bills and keep you busy.

It’s helpful not to have employment gaps. Whether you want to keep busy or increase your skill portfolio, here are methods to secure  a new position during a job search:

1. Fill your Free Time with Constructive Activities

When trying to find the right job for you, use your free time accordingly. Staying focused can be challenging if you’re unemployed, and it’s easy to derail your career goals. This is especially important because if you don’t go to work every day, it’s easy to turn stagnant.

Once an employer sees a large gap in employment, it raises a red flag and may render you a bad candidate. At the same time, you’ll be even more unsatisfied, which can ultimately lead to bouts of depression. That’s why it’s important to fill your free time with constructive activities which will fulfill you and make you feel positive about your life.

2. Search for Practice and Build Experience

In today’s competitive market, work experience has become an important factor sought after by many—if not all—employers. Of course, you’re probably asking: “How do I build work experience if nobody will hire me?”  There’s an easy solution to this problem.

Have you ever thought of volunteering? Volunteering is respected and can help increase your skills. Volunteer or join work via student or youth organizations. Or find an appropriate volunteer position with companies or organizations that need assistance but are financially strapped to hire an individual.

3. Temporary Agency

There is a growing trend in some fields to use temporary service contractors for hiring new employees. Temporary work can allow you to progress more easily within an organization or company should a need for a permanent position arise. At the same time, you enjoy the benefits of a temporary income.

4. Consider an Internship

Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door and allow you to work with professionals while increasing your portfolio. When you consult your local career placement office, you may want to consider an internship position. Although they are oftentimes unpaid positions, they will bring you highly appreciated and useful working experience.

5. Consider Additional Income Sources

Find a hobby you will enjoy but is useful and might bring you additional income. Think about what knowledge and skills you possess and whether you can profit from them by offering services or making products. For example, you may offer private lessons, make cookies, type out seminars, do translations, or babysit—this list is only limited to your imagination.

If you’d like help with your job search, we offer job search guidance coaching to help you with your job search direction, find useful employment during your job search, and help you discover the most successful job search methods to land you a job quicker.