Leadership Development Includes Taking Risks

Remember: leadership development includes taking risks. If you’re looking to take a turn in your career, switch fields, or work toward a promotion, it will take a lot of self-searching and determination on your part. Often it’s not as simple as just deciding you’re ready for a career change, a promotion, or a transition. The simplest choice is staying where you are. But that is also the safest choice—and to have a truly fulfilling career, you need to challenge yourself by taking on riskier roles.

Sink or Swim

True leadership development takes place under conditions of stress. This means that you need to experience real stress and hardship to become a successful and competent leader. Think of it as the “sink or swim” mentality. To become a true leader, you have to experience all kinds of crazy and difficult situations. The best way to learn something is through hands-on experiences that test your abilities.

That’s why, when you’re just starting, you may feel that you’re placed in situations that are way over your head. The most effective way to create excellent professionals is to place them in roles where new experiences and skills are acquired. So, on those days when you feel like you’re being tested to your limits, remember that stimulating—and sometimes stressful—work is serving to challenge you. It will give you the chance to prosper, turning you into a great, successful leader.

If You’re on Auto-Pilot, Consider a Change

You can also use the amount you are being challenged as a good way to determine whether it’s time to consider a career move or transition. For instance, if your position has become something that you can do on auto-pilot, you may benefit from new challenges. For our jobs to be fulfilling, we need to be challenged in our roles continually. If you’re no longer gaining anything from your position, it may be time to consider a move—either up in the ranks or out in a different direction.

To achieve true success in leadership development, you’ll need to take risks. And it’s the follow-through that is the most difficult, but the payoff is well worth it. So if you’re thinking of taking a professional leap, why not take it? Today’s as good as any to start on the path to true professional fulfillment.

Need additional help? Reach out to Candace for assistance!