Writing an Autobiography to Secure a Management Job

Have you ever considered writing an autobiography to secure a management job? Sometimes, when applying for management positions, you may be required to submit an autobiography. This document allows you to recount events in your life that have shaped who you are and impact your desire to work in your chosen field.

An autobiography is a concise summary of a person’s life. To write one, you don’t need to start with “I was born in 1965 in Los Angeles, California”. You don’t need to start right from the beginning. If you came from another country, you can always mention that and specify when you moved to North America. This provides good background into your beliefs and practices and demonstrates your willingness to change and adapt.

Talk about Your Passion

If you cultivated a passion for your career choice early on in your life, mention that. Perhaps there was an outstanding teacher who encouraged you to continue your schooling in your chosen content area. This is a good place to begin. However, some professionals did not develop their love for their careers until later on in life, after obtaining other degrees or working in unrelated professions. If this the situation you find yourself in, start there and explain how certain events changed your outlook and encouraged you to begin your present career.

There’s No Set Format

As you can see, there really is no set formula for writing an autobiography. Begin the document with either where you grew up and how it shaped you or your post-secondary education. Include where you went for your higher education, what you took, and when you completed it. If the degree is directly related to your field, you can mention specific courses that piqued your interest or drove you to pursue a specific path. You can also mention any research work, extracurricular clubs, or groups you took part in at school related to your career.

Some Personal Details Are Okay

You can also mention if you are married, how many kids you have, their ages, and how they influence your professional life, if applicable. Furthermore, your autobiography can contain brief accounts of difficult times in your life that have made you a stronger person, changed your outlook on life, or influenced you to switch careers or enter your field. Communicate what you learned from these difficult situations and how you have become a better, more well-rounded person because of them.

Include Your Work History

Your document should also include an account of your employment history up to this point. If you’ve worked at numerous companies, you don’t need to list each one. That’s what your resume is for. Instead, provide a summary of the various positions you’ve held. As this is still a professional document, you will also want to highlight your professional accomplishments, any process, product, or program you designed, and any positive changes you implemented that improved the companies you worked for.

Look to the Future

You may wish to conclude by mentioning your hopes and dreams, future career moves, or goals you’d like to accomplish. Keep your autobiography to approximately one (full) page, and make sure that you are truthful. Don’t add fluff or filler, and remain concise and non-redundant.

Need additional help? Reach out to Candace for assistance!