How To Land A Great Job Quickly

Are you ready to initiate the search for your dream job? This section will inform you of the most effective job search strategies and tricks, and help you decide which way to get started.

Many job searchers require professional assistance to help them in various related areas including receiving job and interview coaching, posting resumes on different websites and submitting resumes to recruitment firms. Contact Candace Alstad- Davies, President of Canadian Resume Writing Service: or call toll-free 1-877-738-8052

How to Find Executive Job Leads and Postings

Are you looking for executive job leads or postings? As a top executive, you may not often find yourself in a career transition. Oftentimes, you have remained in a position or with a company for a long time, or you may have been headhunted in the past. When conducting a job search at the executive [...]

How to Follow Companies on LinkedIn to Land an Epic Job

Do you follow companies on LinkedIn to get the inside scoop on job leads? If not, you could be losing out on fantastic job opportunities. LinkedIn is one of the social media networking sites that job seekers popularly use to promote and sell themselves to potential employers. With the advent of various online services, the [...]

How to Organize a Canadian Job Search to Land a Job Offer

Don’t underestimate the importance of getting organized before you start your Canadian job search. Most people conducting a job search will not apply for only one job opportunity. If you are in an active job search in Canada, more than likely, you will be applying for many positions – anything that opens up in your [...]

Get Your Resume Past the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Searching for a job requires your resume to pass the applicant tracking systems (ATS). The ATS is a resume screening robot programmed with criteria keywords the hiring company or recruiter seeks in a job candidate. Incorporating the correct keywords, phrases, and terminology in your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile is critical to a successful [...]

How to Make Job Searching Easier and Quicker

Are you planning on job searching? Many professionals in Canada and around the world are starting to get prepared for upcoming job openings. The best thing to do is to be ready! It’s time to stop procrastinating and get ready if you are laid off or make a career change. It never hurts to have [...]

How to Submit Resumes to Apply for Athabasca Oil Sands Jobs

Since jobs in the Athabasca Oil Sands (also known as the Athabasca Tar Sands) are based primarily on oil extraction, you must customize your oil and gas resume specifically for these oilfield jobs. Many companies operating in Fort McMurray and the surrounding area will require you to build an online job portfolio and submit an [...]

How to Find and Apply to Oilfield Jobs in Canada

Oilfield jobs have attracted workers from all across Canada. Finding and applying for the best oil and gas jobs will require research and dedication. You will find helpful job-hunting tips in this post. Learning how to write your oil and gas resume or contacting a resume writer with experience writing in the oil and gas [...]

Going in person and cold calling to inquire about job openings and meet potential employers can be intimidating. At this stage, you may simply be dropping off a resume, but this is the bare minimum amount of face time you need to get. Ideally, when you show up at the company, you’ll meet the hiring [...]

Canadian Immigration – 10 Canada Job Search Steps

Are you planning on immigrating to Canada? These Canadian immigration job search steps, which include writing a Canadian resume or CV curriculum vitae for the job market, should help you reach your career goal. Securing a new job is a critical first step to settling in Canada. I hope these tips, strategies, and professional services [...]

How Useful Networking Will Enhance Your Career and Life

Do you know why you should be networking during your job search? In business and the professional world, who you know is almost as important as what you know. Your network ability can greatly benefit your career and overall life success and happiness. The larger your network, the more support and information you will have [...]