Do you follow companies on LinkedIn to get the inside scoop on job leads? If not, you could be losing out on fantastic job opportunities.
LinkedIn is one of the social media networking sites that job seekers popularly use to promote and sell themselves to potential employers. With the advent of various online services, the chance of being employed through online networking is continually growing.
However, aside from having a LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn users need to follow companies to increase their chances of finding employment. If you are not following any companies right now, maybe it is time to decide who to support.
Follow Companies on LinkedIn Using These Tips & Strategies
Benefits of Following Companies on LinkedIn
When you visit a company’s page on LinkedIn, you will see that it includes lots of helpful information. For instance, it often consists of a company summary, contact information, website, and updates.
Discover which connections you have shared with the company. Locate contacts in your network who currently work for the company or have previously worked.
A company page often has a “See Jobs” tab, allowing you to see a list of current job openings. Display with be recent job postings and careers that match your skills. Click on a position to get more information and to learn how to apply.
The bottom of the page will have an “Employee insights” section that includes information on locations of jobs, seniority levels, education levels, and required skills. These details will supply you with data about the company’s current employees. Use this information to understand the company’s culture and components, including the skills they are looking for in employees.
If you follow the company, you will get updates on new jobs in your feed. Receive regular updates regarding the company via LinkedIn Messenger. These broadcasts can include news articles about the company, general updates, and new job postings.
Use this information to decide whether its company culture is a good fit for you and help you prepare a targeted cover letter and prepare for a job interview. It’s a fabulous idea to bring up some of the most recent information about the company at a job interview to show you’ve done your homework.
Check for Mutual Connections
LinkedIn has a unique tool called ‘LinkedIn’s Company Follow’ that enables job seekers to look for companies of interest and to discover if they have mutual connections. The relationships you have can provide significant help when it comes to recommending your name for a job. A list of your first-degree connections with the company is visible on the company profile page’s right side.
If you contact one of your first-degree connections, you can gain an insider’s edge working at the company. One of your connections may give introductions to other staff in the department you target or provide referrals for job openings. Also, if you have an interview, they can give you advice.
If you don’t have any first-degree contacts with an organization, chances are you will have second-degree connections. By clicking the button that states, “See all employees on LinkedIn,” you will view everyone who works for the organization. If you prefer, filter the list of people to show only your second-degree contacts.
Underneath each of those second-degree contacts, it will show “Shared Connections.” Click on that button to see what first-degree contact you share. Use this information to contact your mutual first-degree contact and request an introduction to the second-degree person who works at the organization you are targeting.
Which Companies to Track
When deciding which companies to follow on LinkedIn, you must first determine your career objectives, core values, and personal preferences. For instance, if you are in marketing or specialize in promotions and advertising, you would want to follow a company that falls under the category of marketing or commercial advertisements.
Following a company that aligns with your career objectives can simplify your job search and obtain productive results.
How to Follow an Organization on LinkedIn
Aside from the LinkedIn Company Follow, you can use the Career Tab. This career tab is designed to help both companies and professionals. Click the tab if you want to visit other pages dedicated to companies.
Learn more about what companies are offering, the current employment opportunities and requirements they need, and other specific details. This way, you can see connections and access hundreds of job possibilities. Get basic ideas from others who got their jobs using professional social media.
Steps to Take: Following a Company on LinkedIn:
• Sign in to your LinkedIn profile. You must register before accessing the website if you have not set up a profile.
• Click on the company or companies you wish to follow.
• If you want random company names, you can either search for the company name by keyword or location.
• Once you find the company, click on it and go to the company page.
• Clicking the yellow follow button at the company page’s top right will enable you to monitor the selected company.
• When you click the settings option, you can choose what updates to subscribe to, whether to receive emails or feed items, and at what frequency.
Which Companies Should You Follow?
• The business you own
• Competitors’ companies
• Organizations and companies you want to work for
• Business and companies you want to sell to
• Organizations you may be thinking of acquiring, merging with, or partnering with
• Significant current and prospective vendors or suppliers
• Companies in closely aligned and related industries
What is the number of companies you can follow?
The LinkedIn platform allows you to follow up to 1,000 companies. The sky is the limit.
The Following Company feature is an excellent research tool to help you keep tabs on the people and companies you are interested in tracking.
How have you used social media to further your job search? Comment and share below! If you need help, reach out to Candace for assistance! She can help you develop a great LinkedIn profile.