10 Job Search Tips for Recent College Graduates

As a young college graduate, you are probably euphoric and excited to get out in the world and begin your career. You feel you are ready to conquer the world and make a difference. This feeling could wane gradually as you search for jobs and encounter brick walls.

Gone are the days when a college or university degree automatically translated into a career. The labor market is thoroughly saturated, and it will take some extra knowledge and tips to get ahead of the pack and find a good job.

10 Job Search Tips for Recent College Graduates

1. Skill Enhancement

A widespread mistake most college graduates make is to stop their education and training at their first degree. If you can, pursue a Master’s degree or acquire professional certifications. Otherwise, do some practical work to sharpen your skills, even for free. Ultimately, these will pay off and give you an edge over your peers.

2. Network

It is easier to contact people—even at far distances—these days, so make sure everybody you know is aware of your job search so that they can help you. Don’t feel shy about it; just spread the word.

3. Post Your Resume in Many Places

Don’t have the illusion that one or two phone calls from a firm mean you have secured a job; make sure your resume is available in as many places as possible. This will open up many opportunities for you to choose from.

4. Use Social Networking Sites

Research has confirmed that more and more companies are going online to recruit employees. Social networking is a great way to tap into this market and get employed.

5. Have a Strong Online Identity

What you do online is generally public and can be viewed by potential employers. One lousy picture or update on your social networking site is enough to bar you from getting a job. Be sure your online identity is both strong and professional.

6. Create Powerful Profiles and Virtual CVs

Don’t sit by the computer all day searching and waiting for a contact to connect. It would be best to create an appealing profile with all your relevant details using powerful tags and keywords and post them on suitable sites.

7. Leverage Your Search

There are social networking sites that can aid your job search. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are ways to start.

8. Use Job Search Websites

Many websites offer a meeting point for employers and potential employees, so use them. Craigslist, College Recruiter, and HotJobs are just a few.

9. Set a Reasonable Timeframe

To avoid getting disappointed too early, set realistic dates to achieve your goal. Note that it will probably take you longer than it did for your dad or your elder sister to get a job because today’s job market is much different.

10. Don’t Give Up

You have the training and skills, so it is a matter of time before landing a job. Just keep searching.

What tips can you share with other recent grads? Comment and share below! Need more help? Reach out to Candace for assistance!