85 Percent of Jobs Available Are Never Advertised

Did you know that 85 percent of jobs available are never advertised?  The vast majority of job seekers conduct a job search by looking for postings that are in their field. But what most job seekers fail to realize is that 85% of positions available are never advertised! This means that most job seekers are only applying to 15% of the available jobs, which creates a ton of competition for those few jobs, while the majority of open positions go unnoticed. It will immensely help your chances as a job seeker if you take advantage of these unadvertised positions, also known as the ‘hidden job market’.

Here is a list of job search tips designed to help show the basics of accessing hidden job markets through networking, professional associations, volunteering and company/industry research.


Volunteering provides wonderful opportunities to develop new skills, expand horizons, and enjoy helping others in the community. It can help expand your network, strengthen your resume, and give you strong personal satisfaction. This is very important to career transition and stay-at-home parents re-entering the work force. Volunteer work may be the only relevant experience you have when applying for new job.

Join an association

Join an association in whatever field interests you and become an active member. Meet as many members as possible to learn about the industry and uncover some opportunities. Surf the internet and find the association’s website to learn about conferences and other events you can participate in. Talk to someone in the same field and interview for information about the position and industry you’re interested in.


Networking consists of connecting with a wide variety of individuals who may be able to help with your job hunt and career planning. Network with people at a higher level so you can find the type of jobs that might interest you. Discover which skills and experiences are relevant. Practice your interpersonal skills to increase your visibility in the field and uncover hidden markets. Ask questions and seek answers. Avoid staying hidden in your house. Get out often to meet new people. Jobs rarely come to the applicant. You need to pay attention and seize the opportunities wherever they exist.

Industry and company study

Industry and company study is the major key to an effective and successful career search. Research is necessary to define career goals, do this before writing resumes, cover letters, or obtaining interviews. You can research online, newspapers, professional associations or give the company a call. This will help you focus on your job search.

This is just a brief outline of some practices you can use. Reach out to Candace if you need additional assistance!