Quality Resume Paper Will Help Your Resume Stand Out

Quality resume paper will help your resume stand out, so head to the stationery store and spend a little extra on the best resume paper.

If you’re actively seeking a job, you’re likely looking to distribute your resume to as many companies in your industry as possible to increase your probability of obtaining that dream job. Most job hunters would be willing to set up a booth at a grocery store and hand out their resumes like granola bar samples if they felt it would help them get a job.

Make Use of Design Elements

Like your digital resume, your paper resume must use design elements effectively to make it more visually appealing. A better-designed resume can increase your chances of being read and landing an interview.

Here are some essential tips on how you can use practical design elements to make your resume more visually appealing:

Don’t Use Regular Paper.

1. You may be tempted to use regular copy paper when handing out copies. Doing this is a mistake. Above all else, you need to consider the attractiveness of the paper you’re planning to use. This will be like the impression of yourself, so be careful when choosing a paper type for your resume. Most companies today are fascinated with a more conventional yet highly professional look and style. The paper must have a shade of either white, off-white, or pale shade of gray.

Use Paper Specified for Resumes

2. You want your resume and cover letter to stand out from others that the company receives. Make sure to use quality paper explicitly created for printing resumes. No one will hire you solely based on the paper quality. However, using good paper can grab attention and give you a reason to pay extra attention.

Use a Laser Printer

3. The type of print will also play an essential role in determining your resume’s overall visual impression. Your resume must be laser printed and done on a computer. Ideally, your resume should not contain more than two different fonts. The most common typefaces for professional resumes are Times New Roman and Arial. Other typefaces like Helvetica and Verdana are also used, especially for headings.

Sometimes, the appearance of a resume will determine whether it will be read or collect dust. By learning how to use the design elements effectively, you can increase your chances of being hired.

Please look at the sample resume and cover letters we created to understand how a professional resume and cover letter should look and read.

Need additional help? Reach out to Candace for assistance!