Are you interested in turning job interviews into job offers?
Let me share with you some tips on how to build personal chemistry during a job interview.
First of all, no two job interviews are the same, so you can’t plan exactly how the discussion will go, but it’s necessary to have a strategy. Face the conversation as a sales meeting. Build personal chemistry and establish an open dialogue for free information exchange. Success is not necessarily what you say but how you say it.
Research the Company
If you do your homework before the interview, you have a substantial advantage over the others; many candidates will fail to do this. Think about it this way, aren’t you impressed when someone is interested in you and knows some of your career highlights?
It surprises you, right?
Arranging Job Interviews Via Phone
You will find a phone conversation that arranges most job interviews, so start to build chemistry right there. Ensure your tone reflects that you are confident, enthusiastic, and friendly; be sure to begin to gather any information you can.
Try to get a job description, organizational structure, company literature, ask and see what happens. Stir up a short conversation by asking a couple of relevant questions about the position; this shows interest.
The Receptionist is Important
Don’t kid yourself; this person’s opinion is crucial and does influence the hiring decision. I have a lot of first-hand experience with this. When I interviewed candidates, the secretary/receptionist would always let me know if the interviewee was rude, non-attentive, enthusiastic, etc. If you go out of your way to be polite, kind, or friendly, the receptionist will more than likely go out of their way to help you—but don’t overdo it.
The moral of the story is, pay attention to the receptionist; they are essential. Try to find out more information about the company or the interviewer to help you during the interview.
Display a Positive Attitude and the Right Image
Did you know that many interviewers make their minds up in the first few minutes regarding whether they want to continue with the job interview? It’s true, so in those few minutes, you need to establish good chemistry; you should have showcased the necessary credentials by having a superb resume.
Show a positive attitude, excellent communication skills, confidence, mannerisms, enthusiasm, interest, and cheerful outlook. A smile and a firm handshake are a given.
Make a Sincere Compliment
Use real comments, don’t sound phony. One hint for finding something to say is to research the company and uncover areas to share positive comments.
Identify an opportunity near the beginning of the meeting to let the interviewer know you heard of such-and-such or that the company is a contributor to the United Way or another charity. You can also compliment the building, offices, people, products, services, etc., but try your best to be unique and provide some details, if appropriate.
Demonstrate Effective Communication During the Interview
Have you ever heard the saying, “it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it”? When answering questions, try to use good action-oriented stories. People remember good stories, ones that use lots of action words—it keeps them interested.
Foster personal chemistry by correctly answering tough questions. For example:
“Wow, Joe, you look very impressive on paper; you should be able to solve all our problems, so why should I hire you?” If you try to answer that question, you may run the risk of sounding like you can solve all the company problems when in reality, it would be next to impossible.
A way to respond to this and build chemistry is to explain:
“Could you please share some more information with me about the challenges your company is experiencing? Maybe I can give you a more intelligent response. Yes, I do have a lot of experience and personal strengths that can contribute to the company. But, without knowing specifics and priorities, I would be speaking without thinking. So, for now, I would sooner listen to the person who knows what the challenges and the opportunities are.”
Listen and Discover Their Needs
A few interviewers will let their needs be known; this makes it easy for you. You need to put your ‘listening ears’ on and use the information you gain to your advantage.
If they don’t give you the information, you may have to pry it out of them by asking job-related questions.
“What would be the biggest challenge for the person in this position?”
If the interviewer isn’t that keen on your qualifications, this type of question may increase your chances of getting a job offer.
Listen very carefully and ask the right questions during the conversation; you’ll understand how the interviewer views the problem, their expectations, and how you would fit into the solution they need to reach company goals.
Ensure you know your strengths beforehand and be prepared to discuss examples to provide evidence you have those strengths. Use engaging, action-packed real success stories to build credibility. You can then easily relate your strengths to the company’s needs.
Don’t Forget to Follow Up.
At the end of the job interview, make a positive comment about the meeting and indicate your enthusiasm. After this summary, ask a question to generate some feedback, such as:
“Can you tell me if my qualifications, skills, and strengths match your company’s needs, as I believe they do?”
“What is the next step to contribute my efforts and enthusiasm to your business?”
Then send a follow-up/thank you letter to everyone that interviewed you. It is polite, expected, and will keep you in the limelight. You will be one step ahead of your competition.
Now you have a strategy for building chemistry. Give me a call and make an appointment if you would like to learn more about strengthening your interview techniques and confidence. Many clients who have gone through this process state it’s worth every penny.