Avoid Workaholism and Find Work that You Truly Love

It’s important to draw attention to a growing issue: workaholism. The world seems to be headed in a direction where our work is the central facet of our lives. Work begins to supersede sleep, eating, and our favorite pastimes. In fact, it’s already reared its head for many professionals. It’s important to avoid workaholism and find work that you truly love.

You May be Putting Your Well-Being on the Back Burner

If you’re working around the clock, or are working hard to find that dream job you’ve always wanted, chances are you’ve been putting your health and well-being on the back burner. Many of us, as we get older, get set into our routines and busy with our jobs, families, and all the other responsibilities that life throws our way. This inevitably means that we have less and less time to devote to ourselves, and in helping to make ourselves feel and look good.

Neglect Has Dire Consequences

Unfortunately, when we neglect ourselves and our health, it can have a dire consequence on the rest of our lives. If we are not feeling our best, it can transcend into every aspect of our lives. We feel more tired, have less energy, and can even get depressed or gain weight.

It’s both unhealthy and impractical to push out every other activity in our lives in favor of work. As humans, we require periodic breaks, to sleep, eat, interact, and relax. We’re not made for continuous action. Periodic breaks relieve our minds from the pressure that can overload us. In fact, regular breaks even enhance problem-solving skills significantly.

Take Time to Do Something You Enjoy Every Day

In a society that encourages us to “do it all”, it can seem like there is no time to recharge. However, make the choice to slow down at least a few times a day to do something you enjoy that relaxes you. It will actually improve your productivity and overall work as a result.

Do Work You Enjoy

Also, if you’re in the middle of a job search, don’t underestimate the importance of looking for work that you’ll enjoy. Many people make the mistake of thinking that work cannot be enjoyable, or that you cannot make money doing something you enjoy. Conversely, however, many more people are currently making money doing just that.

There’s no reason why you can’t as well. When you start your job search, you need to figure out everything that you enjoy doing so that you can target jobs that are related to your interests. The old idea of “I’m going to be _____ when I grow up” is dated. The average modern worker will have 5 different jobs in their career. That means that you have five times to discover where your professional passions lie.

So if you think that living the status quo, in a job that you despise, is good because you can’t afford to take the risk; then think again. You deserve it for yourself to take the leap and find out what you truly want out of life. After all, we only get one shot, so we should all use our professional careers to grow, both personally and professionally, and strive to enjoy it.

Need additional assistance? Reach out to Candace to learn more!