If you have to resign from your position, you must know how to write a resignation letter to accompany your notice of resignation. Resigning from any job is difficult.
Some positions require an employment contract or other agreed length of tenure, which makes it more complicated. Both parties intend for the contract to be continued for the full period if a contract is signed. Companies hate to lose good employees overall, but ending mid-contract is particularly inconvenient. Although this is something that companies don’t like, it does happen.
From a dissatisfaction with company policies to required relocation, there may come a time when you are unwilling or unable to complete the job’s duties and will consider leaving. If this occurs, you will be in the unenviable position of writing a resignation letter. The composition of a resignation letter can be challenging, even for the most adept writer, because it requires a great deal of tact and consideration.
Consider the following tips to create a resignation letter:
Be Concise
When composing a resignation letter, be short and to the point. This is no time to ramble on. Make sure you state your name and contact information, the fact that you are resigning, and the date of your resignation. No other information is necessary for this type of letter. Resist the urge to include irrelevant information regarding your time at the company or your future career plans. However, you may want to mention that you enjoyed working for the company and are happy about the opportunity. You want to leave on good terms; this is the key because you may need a reference from them.
There is No Need to Give a Reason
Listing a reason for your resignation is not necessary. Do not use the resignation letter as a time to vent your frustrations. Your employer probably already knows your reasons for wishing to leave—there’s no need to reiterate. Be straightforward and to the point. Plainly say: “I am resigning.” Do not say: “I am resigning because…”
Oftentimes, when an individual decides to resign, they’re disgruntled and dissatisfied. Don’t allow a negative attitude to peek through in your letter. Use only positive, professional language when composing the letter. If your supervisor at the company has done something to upset you, remember there is no point in stooping to a low level and sacrificing your professionalism for the temporary gratification of complaining.
Know the Consequences of Resigning
If you sign an employment contract, resigning mid-contract will most likely look very bad to future employers. They will logically conclude that you could do it again if you have vacated one contract before completion. Make sure you think very hard about resignation before you follow through with your plan. Are you so unhappy in your position that you really want to risk future employment opportunities in your field?
While nothing can magically transform the task of resigning into an easy one, following these tips will help you make the task as painless as possible and ensure that your career will not suffer due to your decision. Good luck!
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