Unique Value Proposition – Uncover and Communicate to Get a Job

A unique value proposition also known as your unique selling point is a crucial part of your job search campaign.

Uncovering and communicating your unique value proposition should be included in your job search strategy. Effectively communicating your UVP will increase your chance of getting a job.

Developing your unique value proposition will help you to steer your job search, and let potential employers know the specific skills and core values you can offer them.  An effective, unique value proposition strategy will tell employers why they should have you in their organization.

Tips to Find Your Unique Selling Proposition

Poll Family and Friends

If you are not familiar with your unique selling point, it will be best to ask someone within your circle that knows you best like your friends, career coach, family member, or anyone who has a better understanding of your personality and career strengths. Their insights will serve as invaluable input to uncovering your unique value proposition.

Focus on Unique Qualities

Focus on the things and personal attributes that make you different from other applicants vying for the same job position. Create a short list of these differences, and evaluate whether or not they are valuable for the employer. Use the list you make to create your unique selling point. First, ask yourself what is the special talent or attribute you have that employers will especially value.

Also establish the aspects of what you can offer to them that other applicants will not be able to offer.

The available jobs today have become more specialized, and companies are looking for potential candidates who have a specific skill set and values.

With the ever-increasing competition in the job market, it is highly important to have a unique selling point that can help attract the attention of potential employers.

And while it is easy to tell others what you can do, it is highly difficult to pinpoint the distinctive characteristics and skills that you possess. But with the help of other people whom you know personally, you can more easily identify these attributes and list them as your key selling point in your job search strategy.

Always remember to use your unique selling point whenever you are presenting yourself to a potential employer, especially in your cover letter and resume. This will serve as an indispensable tool in increasing your employability rate and enhancing your chances of landing your dream job.

Have any other tips to share? Comment and share this article below! If you need additional help, reach out to Candace to learn more!