How To Land A Great Job Quickly

Understanding Your Unique Selling Points

Understanding and effectively communicating your unique selling points (USPs) is vital to differentiate you from the other applicants and contribute to your job search success. Your unique selling points are traits that make you “you.” They set you apart from the other job candidates. Brilliantly identify, understand, and market your unique selling points to help [...]

How to Write a Resignation Letter

If you have to resign from your position, you must know how to write a resignation letter to accompany your notice of resignation. Resigning from any job is difficult. Some positions require an employment contract or other agreed length of tenure, which makes it more complicated. Both parties intend for the contract to be continued [...]

An Important Part of Your Job Search Plan

When you’re planning your job search, you need to approach it as though it’s a marketing campaign. The recruiters are the buyers, and you are the product. As a product, you have to articulate your value proposition—essentially your advertisement clearly. Your value proposition is an important part of your job search plan. The rate of [...]

Job Search Resolutions for the New Year

I hope you have a great New Year’s and that your 2021 will be filled with great success and achievements. To help you start your 2021 off on the right track, we have compiled a list of Job Search Resolutions for the New Year to help you land your desired job in 2021: Job Search [...]

Choosing Job References to Ensure a Positive Result

Choosing job references is a critical component to a successful job search and will require thought, and you will need to contact potential individuals. While you may be superb at selling yourself to a potential employer, you will need references to back up your claims. Companies need to ensure that they hire the right professional [...]

Top 10 Job Search Tips for Professionals Over 50

If you’re having a hard time with your job search, read these top 10 job search tips for professionals over 50. An increasing number of professionals today are trying to change careers or have found themselves let go later on in their careers. With budgets being cut everywhere and competition fierce due to the economy, [...]

How to Find Positions that Are Never Advertised

Numerous job openings remain unadvertised, posing a challenge for those unaware of where to seek them. Uncovering these hidden opportunities can prove difficult without knowing where to direct your search efforts. Tips for Cracking into the Hidden Job Market 1. Focus on Your Selling Points Why should a company hire you? Be specific and creative. [...]

How to Conduct a Stealthy Job Search

When currently employed, mastering the art of a discreet job search becomes imperative to safeguard your current position. It’s crucial to prevent your employer from inadvertently discovering your job hunt, as it could risk your current role and future references. Fortunately, various strategies can help maintain confidentiality during your job search. When seeking new opportunities [...]

The Benefits of Holiday Job Searching

Many job searchers are convinced that job searching during the holidays is a waste of time. If you buy into this myth, then you may be losing out on one of the better job searching seasons of the year. The benefits of holiday job searching include reduced competition for jobs and other advantages. Reduced Competition [...]

Leadership Development Includes Taking Risks

Remember: leadership development includes taking risks. If you’re looking to take a turn in your career, switch fields, or work toward a promotion, it will take a lot of self-searching and determination on your part. Often it’s not as simple as just deciding you’re ready for a career change, a promotion, or a transition. The [...]